
All you need to know about Driva - Climate investment 2019

Watch the youtube #Driva2019 playlist or simply click on each of the videos listed under each speaker in this program. Presentations (PDFs) are at the bottom of page. Learn more about the speakers and sustainable footprint for the Driva Climate Investment Meeting.

A full house, inspirational and engaging speakers at #Driva19

Part 1

Energy is the only universal currency

09.00 – 10.40

Investing in a changing climate – what we can learn from historic energy transitions – Václav Smil

Human development has employed energy in many different forms, from sunlight for growing crops, wind for transport and fire for heating and cooking to the current global dependency on fossil fuels. Does the rise of solar and wind power indicate that we have come a full circle? How can we increase standards of living without destroying the very foundations for life? What does the future hold for human energy solutions? Václav Smil shares his knowledge based on decades of research into some of the main fields impacting climate change.  Video

The brain and nervous system of the new energy infrastructure – Knut H.H. Johansen, Erik Fossum Færevang

The fully electrified society of the future with locally produced, variable renewable energy places new requirements on consumers and electricity providers. AI analyses, automated surveillance and drones provide a smart grid, but can technology also contribute to smarter consumption? Can we gather, connect and deploy relevant data to provide both electronic and biological decision makers with the tools for efficient energy use? Video of Knut and video of Erik

Decarbonized and distributed - the disruptive blueprint for the future of energy

The rise of renewable energy has sparked decentralisation, moving energy production and storage to the nodes of the grid. Has the established producer/consumer power-dynamic moved in the same direction? Will the energy transition parallel IT’s move from mainframe computing to powerful personal devices? Andreas Thorsheim shares a disruptive challenger’s view of the energy market. Video

Part 2

Climate profiteer – derogatory or laudatory?

11.10 – 14.15
Lunch 12.10 – 13.00

A global problem, a global solution: trends in climate finance – Kristina Alnes

The global flow of money tracks investors’ awakening to the climate issue. Their response; to use finance as an instrument for change without sacrificing returns. Which products, geographies and solutions are most attractive to climate investors? How can investments contribute to climate action? How can we attract more climate investors? Kristian Alnes provides us with a global overview. Video

Sustainable capitalism – how to make it work – Esther Gilmore

Using the world’s greatest challenge – climate change – to craft sustainable and profitable investment theses. To be truly sustainable a company must deliver long-term performance while operating in a manner consistent with a low-carbon, prosperous, equitable, healthy and safe society. How can an investor take action and make money while at the same time improving the global climate? Esther Gilmore shares Generation Investment Management’s experiences from 14 years as global sustainable investors. Video

Ørsted: An investor’s green dream - Jakob Askou Bøss

Ørsted has made the move from a fossil-driven energy company to a green energy leader while being listed on the Danish Stock Exchange. The company IPO’d in June 2016 as DONG Energy and changed its name to Ørsted in November 2017 after divesting its upstream oil- and gas portfolio. The transition has proven a profitable climate investment for shareholders, with the company posting record results in 2018 and delivering over 45% return since announcing the transition, compared with 6.5% for the Danish market in the same period. How does one take the leap from a tried and tested business model to realising a sustainable company vision? Ørsted leads by example and will share valuable experiences for climate investors. Video

Part 3

Talk is cheap – inspiration for action

14.45 – 16.00

Investing in climate action: The power of perspectives – Karen O’Brien

Can we reverse global warming? Can we transform climate risks into climate opportunities? Both are possible — and both involve a shift in perspective. Karen O’Brien draws on her vast experience as a researcher to show us how a small shift in perspective can reveal new investment opportunities, and how challenging our ingrained beliefs and assumptions can amplify our collective capacity for climate action. Using Project Drawdown as an example, she highlights how the project’s 100 existing and upcoming solutions to keep carbon in the biosphere serve as a powerful framework for climate investors to create and track impacts that accelerate change. Video

Our climate history - how today's actions create our tomorrow – Maja Lunde

Water shortages, insect extinction, human ingenuity and survival instinct. Starting from some of today’s most serious climate issues, Maja Lunde’s books show the lives of ordinary people in the challenging future we are fast creating. At the same time, we are shown that human beings hold all that is needed to avoid this future: love of life, nature and the people around us, imagination, will, drive and not least the ability to cooperate. How are these futuristic novels created? What is the process from deep research into specific environmental issues to peopling a whole planet over a time period spanning several centuries? How can Norway best contribute to solving global climate challenges? Has the writing of these books inspired hope or despondency, and how have the readers reacted? Can literature spur climate investment? Video

Download presentations

  • Václav Smil, Distinguished Professor Emeritus (PDF not available)
  • Knut H. H. Johansen, Founder and CEO, eSmart Systems PDF
  • Erik Fossum Færevaag, Founder, Disruptive Technologies PDF
  • Andreas Thorsheim, Founder and CEO, Otovo PDF
  • Kristina Alnes, Senior Advisor, Climate Finance at CICERO – Centre for International Climate Research, PDF
  • Esther Gilmore, Partner and Head of Client Team at Generation Investment Management (PDF)
  • Jakob Askou Bøss, Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy & Stakeholder Relations at Ørsted PDF
  • Karen O’Brien, Professor at UiO, Co-founder and Chief Research Officer at cCHANGE PDF

Sustainability at #Driva19

Nysnø reduces Stavanger’s carbon footprint during Driva. Nysnø will in collaboration with CHOOOSE offset the carbon footprint of the total population of Stavanger, approximately 130,100 people. The climate effect equals over 9900 fewer flights from Oslo to Stavanger.

Nysnø wish to demonstrate that small and large sustainability measures help in contributing to a zero emission society!