A New Landscape
The only way we can halt climate change is by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nysnø’s contribution is to make profitable investments in new, climate friendly technology.
Our name symbolises our aspiration to bring abourd new and fresh perspectives; ones that may help create a new landscape. To us, that means reducing the rise in global temperatures, in line with UN’s goals while creating economic profit and contributing to value creation.
Nysnø is a sovereign climate investment company, and is administrated by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

The Road to Zero
We are facing ambitious goals. By 2030, Norway aims to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent, compared to the emission levels of 1990. By 2050, emissions must be cut to the levels that they no longer contribute to harmful global warming. At that point, we may call ourselves a low emission society.
To reach this goal, we need measures that not only solve the challenges of climate change, but also ensure value creation. This is where Nysnø enters the scene! A changing world provides many investment and business opportunities. We will search out companies with the smartest solutions, and help them get their products to market more rapidly.
We will co-invest with others who wish to contribute to sustainable investments; investments that are not only profitable, but that move us toward a greener future. Together we can play our part in the effort to build a clean, sustainable and carbon-neutral world by 2050.